Box Office: 541.673.2125
Box Office Hours: M-F, 10 am - 2 pm
1614 West Harvard Ave
Playwriting Competition Winners
All of these productions can be viewed by visiting our Facebook page.

Tolley Evans
"Being retired from acting doesn’t mean being retired from theatre. It started out as a completed three hour comedic opera, I then realized this didn’t meet the criteria for submission. So, after taking out all the musical compositions and singing, I was left with less than ten minutes of dialogue, which kept the theme I had intended. Satisfied, I submitted my entry in the competition, much to the operatic world’s loss.
Writing dialogue is much harder than acting or directing said dialogue. Just getting started is the hard part. Once you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, you’ll find the characters take on a life of their own and literally tell you where they want to go, you’re just the physical instrument bringing them to life. Hopefully, they tell an interesting story for all to enjoy.
As with any of the arts, to succeed, all you need is the most important required element…PASSSION. You never know what you’re capable of until you try. Don’t ever give up."
PASSING TIME-Written by Tolley Evans
Directed by Martin Follose
Performed by David Jones and Patricia Duerfeldt
Two people meet at the park for the first time. As they chat, one talks about their hobby of collecting bugs, the other collects something quite different.
About the Playwright

About the Playwright
LETTERS IN THE ATTIC-Written by Katie Windsor
Directed by Christina Moroney
Performed by Abby, Raegan, and Jannie Prawitz
Two college-age sisters are home for winter break when they accidentally discover a box of old letters in the attic. As they read, they get sucked into a story of love, intrigue…and murder?
My inspiration for writing Letters In The Attic was being given an opportunity! My inspiration comes from my imagination. It comes from a sense of wanting to entertain people, even if for just a short amount of time. To give them something else to think about when they've had a bad day, long day, or stressed. Or even just to make them think. I have been writing since I was 14. I was a troubled teen and had been kicked out of school. I went to live with relatives to help me get back on the right path. I was also an avid liar. So, when my auntie gave me a journal, I used it to craft my stories. Instead of lying to others around me I created stories instead. The only experience I have in " theatre" was drama class in High school. I loved entertaining people but at the expense of getting into trouble. Hence why I turned to writing instead of acting. I have been dreaming, since I was 14, to show the world my storytelling. I was nervous but knew it was time to take that LEAP. I am currently working on 2 stories and hoping to publish soon. I also try to write frequently for the News Review. Outside of writing, I am an avid fisherman, hunter, outdoors enthusiast. My advice for anyone wanting to write is just to GO FOR IT! Let your words be heard, take feedback and criticism to craft your talent. Enjoy writing! Never think its wrong, remember that when you write you can take the audience anywhere in the universe.

Katie Windsor
Letters In The Attic

Directed by Chantelle Smith
Performed by Jack Cannaday and Doug Weaver
A stage manager finds himself with a bit of a problem moments before the curtains are about to open on a long awaited show. How will he overcome the challenges and keep the audience and Director in the dark?

AJ Chitwood
The Unfortunate Opening Act
My primary inspiration for my play was a dream that I had. I wanted to put my nightmare on paper and see what others thought. This is the first play I’ve written. I’m not really working on anything else at the moment, but I am helping other writers with ideas for their scripts. My theater experience comes from behind the scenes. I have been involved in several plays at UACT but always as part of the running crew. I am usually the Stage Manager so this play makes sense to me. Outside of the theatre and writing, I really enjoy just hanging with my family and being around friends. My advice to future writers who are either on the fence about writing or stuck on an idea? Just do it.
About the Playwright
WRECKED-Written and directed by Chris Davidson
Performed by Emma Thurston, Brett Hochstetler, Geri Lyne Greeno, and Chris Benham
Tom and Ally just got engaged tonight. Ally can't sleep and wants to stay up talking about their life and love. Tom just wants to sleep because morning is already going to come too soon, but he plays along so as to not wreck anything. But, are they already wrecked?

"I’m not sure there was an actual “inspiration” for the play. I just wanted to find something that allowed for a whole story to be told in ten minutes yet give the audience something unexpected. I’ve been writing for about a year. I started a full length play that, thus far, thrilled with the premise but I wasn’t happy with the dialogue. This was a nice chance to do something else and actually be able to say it was finished. As far as my role in the theatre world, I have done just about everything at this point, except write. Actor, director, set builder, stage hand, amongst other things. While I have a couple other ideas that I’d like to start to develop I did finish a follow up/sequel ten minute play to go with Wrecked. Who knows? I may also take the two ten minute plays and try to expand them and marry them together. Covid has kind of ruined my hobbies. Traveling and soccer were probably the main two along with theater. Missing them all this last year. My advice for writers would be to get other opinions and accept any criticism to make the best work possible."